Monday, 31 July 2006


tests approaching .... assignment deadline approaching... i still spend my day in general lab online... God~~~ who can help me to stay quiet in room studying??

that day our block level, i mean in the guy coming up to this restricted place..... making the "pengetua" n felo very worry bout our safety.... on that particular nite too.... my houzmate feel that one of my houzmate acting n looking strange.... n we believe got "something" following her... she keep saying that her faculty got that "thing".. n she saw alot..... she ask my other houzmate to hav a look to her faculty too in the midnite.... then... after 3am... bout 4am ... then she sleep ..... my houzmates were very scared... but me n my roomate sleep like a pig that nite.... and it s come out a bit confrontation in our houz... but we all stay quiet only... what to do??? everything will pass.....

dunno y me very tired this few days... even i went to the most interesting class...BM...i felt very sleepy..... i need a good rest tomorrow... ya... i hav 3 class only ....... i will spend my time at the bed.... then go to class wushu again...... n go shopping again... haha.. and i doesnt seem like resting myself.....i'm a strange person... hehe......

back to the main topic... test...n.. week have to pass up all....anyone willing to help me to do all??? hahah.... impossible la...... i'm totally busy ar.......but i'm starting to love my life here....... haha... cause ptptn out today..... i want to buy a new cpu, new handphone(motorola L7), adidas bag, everything.... i want to buy the world....... my God~ RM XXXX/- enaf to buy what... haiz...... enaf to eat that i know... enaf to buy book lor.... buy book better la... and cpu very important too.... so, i buy book and cpu... if got extra $$ then i buy handphone.....

anyway..... long time i didnt update my blog (long time???juz few days nia..haha) whatever la.... haha... i'm so happy that my oversea friends got read my blog... so all this blog not meaningless lor... haha........ left some comment bout my blog lo... either it is ugly ... meaningless... crazy ... all i will accept.. hehe...

have a nice day everyone..........i love u all... and i love my family more... hehehe 

Wednesday, 26 July 2006


still remember that i mentioned before i have two exam?? the UPIT n the math exam???

i PASS BOTH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

so i dun have to take the UPIT course again... save my time... i dun take the subject exam in final... so i can focus on other subject....the math exam.... i pass it and i dun have to take the mathematic booster program... so save my time again...... hahaah........ thank GOD~~~~~~ i love everyone~~~~~~...

Lesson behind this blog.... study before goin to university... especially on the form 5 subject.. but then, i didnt study for my math... haha.....depend on own luck la.... may GOD bless.......


hihi... i'm bek again.... haha ...

haha... before this.. since secondary, i was very hoping to join the taekwondo...i thought i will take it during the time in matriculation.. but then , unfortunately , there dun have the taekwondo i joined the basketball club.....

at unimas here....i promise myself to join the taekwondo club....haha.. but then yesterday... me n meihui went in the wushu club... hehe... interesting....i quite like the training....but then ... at first we didnt know that we got training... thought only me, mh, and my friends wearing jeans.. hhaha.... imagine we doing front kick, side kick, every kicks... haha..... even the trainer laugh at us......then goin bek to west campus... straight go to meeting for college.. coz the seniors select the college ajk... hehe.....and my whole houz...all go to join the exco.... haha... turns out my houz got 1 exco, 6 assistances of exco...1 is block A 3rd floor leader.....haha.... for the exco, all become the member of protocol and "tugas-tugas khas" unit... hhaha... interesting.... then my senior get my name for the PERTEKMA..... so confirm i can stay in the college next year... hopefully.... hehe.....

lately, i feel so tired.... went out from houz in 8 am everyday.... rush to class ... rush to east campus....everywhere.... and went home 10pm at night .... everyday like that....and i think that this is my life for 3 years..... i have to face it anyway.....

struggle of anugerah dekan.... hopefully....

Sunday, 23 July 2006

We Went to Beach.....

On 22 july.... our FIT faculty had a special activity... called Hari Mentor-Mentee... and all the faculty students went to Pantai Pasir Panjang(i'm hope that the name is the right one)... at first... ok... that beach i went there 4 several time already.... nothing special for me... haiz... it's kinda boring i think.... hhaha.....but then... i quite fun la.... thanks to PERTEKMA .. hopefully i can join n be one of the ajk of PERTEKMA..hehe....

my second sis is bek~~~~ on the evening of 22 july....on that particular nite.... all my family members gather have dinner together... a day before , my dad hurd his leg and cant walk... and its getting better that nite... we go have dinner .... its also due to my mom birthday too.... she very happy..... all of her daughters come bek at the same time... of coz happy... usually if want to gether together .. have to wait till chinese new year... me very happy too that nite....very happy... my elder sis bek to KL the next day.... many of my closed relatives come to my house .... haha... that's why my pap said yesterday like chinese new year.... haha..

i'm very happy... hehe....

Wednesday, 19 July 2006


what a normal day.... haha.....

today having my UPIT exam(an exam that all the first year student to take so can skip the TMX 1010 end user Program(basic knowlegde of computer la) if pass) yesterday start from 11 pm i started to study til this morning 3.30am... li hai leh.... haha.... study the 9 chapters in one nite... then this morning 10am.... i had my UPIT exam.... at least some of the questions i still can answer....hopefully i can pass the exam n skip this subject n during the final exam can less one subject.... hopefully lo... may GOD bless....

today is the second time i online .......and i confess ... i really dun know what should i do now... online blindly..... haiz... can somebody tell me the websites for comics n download movies?????????

Tuesday, 18 July 2006


what a tired day yesterday... today more free time.....i have two class only today... yesterday.... rushing here n there juz for the registration for the english preparatory class ...... n all the slots offered are full... so i have to take it next sem....haiz..... me and mei hui went to ppb ( pusat pengajian bahasa) there.... i takes 15 minutes to walk from our faculty.....what a long way.........

Our programming project released yesterday... n we have to pass up on november.....what a tough project, whereby... for the 1st year learner ... we have to program a software....hey.. we know nothing.... haiz.. yesterday headache one whole day.....but then... we able to get the project title.... n we are working on it.....wish me luck......

anyway... beside than all the person i met yesterday.... i feel thankful to Dr. Ting n her personal assistant.thanks.......

i'm sick n tired now...... dunno y... i still headache......i will taking a long nap this afternoon......

i think most of u feel annoying heh? coz everyday keep updating my blog... and ur email box is full with friendster admin messages..... haha.....for most of u lah.. hehe.. sorry.. no one can stop me from online... like i say before... i addicted.... sorry..........

may God Bless....

Monday, 17 July 2006

wahahaha.......i lurv....internet...

i'm start addicted to computer n internet...... everyday at least 2 hours spending time in general lab in fsktm juz to online......i'm addicted .... either blog or download song.... haha..... everyday juz internet......haha.... soon or later, i will looking like COMPUTER... dun shock when c me ...haha

Sunday, 16 July 2006

HomeSick nei~

Yesterday juz came bek to sakura college after went to home on friday nite....on friday nite.... after fetching me from college.. me n my family went out for a dinner at jalan song.... after that when reach home .. watch amazing race with my mom n my sis.....

the next day... i went out to Wisma Saberkas with mei hui.....searching and visit every computer shop to buy my handydrive..... having a nice day out..... hehe....that nite... went out for "limteh" at 9 miles..... then went to hh houz .... i was sick.... very sick that time.. haiz... ..til 2am then we goin bek to own houz....... me cant sing that time... so.... went to hh room watching them play games or more friendly to say... kill people... haha...after that.. reading newspaper at the dining hall.... haha..... they said me strange de.. hehe......

on sunday morning.... woke up at 11 am.... then watching conan with my sis.... i lost my voice.. argh.. miserable~~~~~~haiz... then til 2 pm... me , my mom, n my sis... went to airport to fetch my big sis.... happy to c the evening... went out to buy my houzmate thing.. then... went for dinner n came bek to college....

in this morning.... almost late to class... but still can attended the multimedia class.... then... i'm started to homesick n "best friends sick" now......haiz... i miz them so much........ haiz.... i'm thinking of goin bek home.... hangging out with my friends n family....haiz....... haiz.... haiz x1000.......

thinking of watching the movie "Pirates Of The Carribean 2"... i keep telling people the movie really nice n extremely nice... haha.. but i havent watch it.. hehe......c lah... i will ask my friends to go with me.. ..... i wanna watch that  movie~~~~~~~~~~~~

Thursday, 13 July 2006


i'm goin home today..... yeah..... left home for 2 weeks... suddenly i miss home so much.... i wonder how i pass those days in labuan matriculation college before... lived there for three months........and went home... and then went back to labuan again.... haiz.... but sure i miz those moment alot....

today....listen quietly to the "data communication and network" lecture.... oh man.. the lecture hall are colder than the weather in Genting .....and i think even the fridge......COLD~ ......and that make me feel sleepy.... haiz.... jz now..... went to the "computer architecture " lecture... i got bring along another long sleeve shirt...... its feel much better....

The "assignment" word is filling up my head...... and my BRAIN~~~~~~ argh... tonnes and tonnes assignment i have finish up before mid term........ projects(especially the programming project)..... all the tutorial, lab teaching slot... slowly.....slowly... filling up the time in my weekday......i got one day have to go to class that start 7.30pm til 9.30pm... scary???... haha... i'm getting crazy....

but then... i'm starting to get used to the life here.... my roommate.. my houzmate.... juz that... because of some "technical problem" by the college... one of my houzmate hav to move out from our houz.... i'm very sad.... my heart was blaming the college actually.... coz we started to get along very well together... suddenly have to move...if not mistaken ... a senior will be moving in... who cares those senior actually....haiz... we cant get along well either.... sad........ sad make me sleepy....... ~ haiz....

Wednesday, 12 July 2006

again...and again.... but this is the first time....!!

i've been searching... searching... serching.... from the first week til now.....and still i can't found it.... what a sad story.....until 5 pm yesterday..... when me having dinner with mei hui... finally.... what i have searching for all these day.... i found it... haha... know what i'm searching for?haha... leng zai lor....haha... finally i saw one yesterday....very leng zai....very smart .... wearing tie.... haha........ very tall..... chinese....

but all these not a big deal....coz.... a gal looking at a leng zai is a usual thing ma....but what make me feel irritating is.... a guy call me through public phone to my hp.. and talking non-stop bout an hour.....that happen yesterday too... bout 10pm like that.....and the phone call ended saying he will call again.... Oh My God~~ help me....... throughout the call.... i didnt say much.... just...that... he talk non-stop......argh~ ..... who give my hp no. to him!!!???!!!....

i hate people calling through my phone... except my own best friends n family members..someone i dunno, excuse me~.....calling to my no., n ask... are u angie? then said his own name n asking what am i doin.... then saying me doesnt know him.... Oh..MAN??? what are u guys thinking? i didnt know you... then y u are calling?????better call someone u love or ur friend or ur family members than calling a person u never meet....y have to spent the credit n money ??? i just dun understand ..... haiz...... this world is strange... because the emotion takes over the world!!! but then ... at least i still can look for friends in web like frienster.. but way..... :(

Tuesday, 11 July 2006

hello..... I'm busy.....

this is only the first week for the university life.... start our lectures.... next week start our tutorial and lab teaching slots.... my life...... oh my GOD... i wish i have 30 hours a day.....with all the computer logic... programming.... multimedia.... discrete math..... argh.... its drive me crazy.... arrange for the tutorial class make me misery....... but i have to do it.... people said... UNIVERSITY LIFE IS FUN.... but is tough for me.... 7 subjects , 14 assignments one semester, 7 project a semester........ my GOD.......i dun have enough time.... i change my mind.. i wan 48 hours a day.......thinking of goin bek to secondary school to study...... today have our math test..... i just try my best.... me didn't do any revision before goin to the test room... then yesterday, the first class..... then the first quiz..... with the question , "what is syntax , ......, run-time error mean?" my god...again... how do i know... i never been to a computer class before...... another thing..... y the weather so hot here.... i was like in the oven here..... haiz.... my GOD...

Monday, 10 July 2006

the junior life.... in university

whenever register in a new school, college, campus..... the first week sure is the orientation week..... the college i'm staying currently is the sakura college.....where the room is small, bathroom is small, toilet is small, living room is small, cabinet is small, store room is small, balconi is small... everything is SMALL.....u know the reason y??? haha... according to our senior....this new college is based on the design of JAPAN...... that's y named...SAKURA....n that's y the college is small... ok... stop all the college thing.... every seniors said this batch is the luckiest batch ever... cozz...... living in the new campus.... formerly known as Kampus Barat.......all the teaching facilities all new..... especially the faculty of computer science n information technology.... inside this faculty.. got 600 all new computers.....2 for each FCSIT student......we fcsit can visit the computer lab whenever they have time.... can count that the special offer la...........ok... stop all the faculty.... start for the orientation week.... start from 4 july to 8 july..... fun ... tired.... dun have time to wash clothes....knowing all new friends.... haha... got leng lui... but no ... leng zai... hahah... i mean.... i know alot of leng lui... but dun even know a leng zai at sad..... haha.....the food are not tasty.... haha....but still eat also... wakaka..... but this is the most happiest orientation week i attended  before..........only the sakura knows why... haha.......other people laying on the road rolling......we having fun here..... haha... very fun......

to be continued~   

Saturday, 1 July 2006

The New Life Begin....... Again..!!!


Its 6.30am morning ... one more hour, i'll be a university student.....last nite, i'm packing till this early morning, i've take a deep think on my life.... i've walk a long way...... happiness, sadness, confused, amazed , surprise... all the feeling came and bothering me......from a "nothing", "simple","everybody look down " family until now...3 successful daughters.... elder working in hospital univesiti malaya, kl.....second currently studying medic in ukm for the second year....and the third one... that's me... who will bestep into universiti in one hour more..... my tears filling my eyes now....i dun know it is tears of happiness or what....although the course i'm taking now not as good as medic that can make people feel "WOW" ... but i will try my best ......

~Never care people look down on us..... as long as we walk on our own road.... we will reach our destination~