Tuesday, 26 May 2009
scary lightning!!!!
where i was busy playing with ipod touch...
it was raining...
standing near dining room
and after all sudden, lightning strike straight
to my 2nd living window and hit...
"piak..." this is what i heard and that time ,
thing that i can do is close my eyes as tight as i can...
it was a total scary moment...
my sis said she saw a flash...
i guess the lightning was strike into house...
luckily nothing happen...
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Birthday Present........that i received on my birthday......
Actually there is oso a dinner.. which is cheese baked chicken chop rice.....
Then they also paid for the dinner for me.... actually not... they said they "chia " me... i secretly paid...then, they all give back money to me as "angpao" for my birthday... Pengz..
Then they brought few slice of secret recipe cheese cake to eat together at taman sahabat...
As a Conclusion , the most wonderful present i received from them is the time they spending with me.... more than 6 hours..... hahhah.. thanks alot.. and i love u ...
@@ From my family
This is the birthday cake my family brought for me.... well... i fried some chicken wings and chicken finger yesterday....My mom cooked bak kut teh....
Having a nice dinner with my family... thanks a lot to them... heheh...
though is simple.. yet it is the most meaningful moment for me..
This is the present that my gang gave me.... brought from 1borneo , kk there... through flight de oh....hahha... a very beautiful present.. i love it alot... because purple again... and "X" and "J" means alot to me.. hahhaha...
and of course not only this... they still paid for my drink and food yesterday....
hahha... really thanks to them... i love it a lot...
Conclusion.... not the presents are meaningful to me.. but them time they spent with me is the most meaningful of all.... and the best present of all, "TIMEs" they spent with me....
i love u all.....♥♥
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Purple's dream......
well... i like purple alot...
i drink ribena....i eat purple rice...
purple colour desktop wallpaper....
purple cellphone wallpaper...
purple shirts...
purple shoes that i wore before...
purple earing..
purple stocking...
purple pens....
purple mechanical pencil...
purple hp hanger....
purple hp casing...
purple cloth hanger...
purple eye shadow...
purple mascara...
purple pen knife....
purple handbag....
purple lollipop...
purple background....
purple ....
purple... and purple .. and purple....
everything in purple....
i want to go to the purple sand seaside.....
i want to dye my hair into purple...
i want to use purple contact lenses...
i want to use purple frame for spec...
i want to see junsu singing "Purple Line"
i want own a purple hp...
i want own a purple ipod...
i want purple psp...
i want to paint my house into purple...
i want to paint myself in purple..
purple is mysterious...
i want to paint my dream into purple....
low profile purple...
purple is a secret yet is well-known...
make my dream purplely inside me...
and i will bring this purple dream to the end...
and leftover the purple line on the street....
that indicates the purplely path that i walk through...
that i purplely live in secret but yet known by others...
purplely breathe and heart-beating...
time passing noticed on the purple watch.....
like "purple snow falling on the desert"
purplely mysterious, special , yet sad and hurting...
live the life to the fullest with the purple's dream in heart.....
Happy Birthday~
생일 축하해!!!
Selamat Hari jadi!
(Below i duno this is right or not... hahah... i use translator..)
joyeux anniversaire à moi!!! [French]
feliz aniversário para mim!!![Portuguese]
feliz cumpleaños a mí!!! [Spanish]
สุขสันต์วันเกิดให้ฉัน!!! [Thai]
maligaya kapanganakan sa akin!! [Filipino]
Χρόνια πολλά σε μένα [Greek]
मेरे जन्मदिन मुबारक हो !![Hindi]
This is how u can get wishes from almost all over the world.. heheh...
anyway happy birthday to me again....
앤지야, 앵일 축하해....[angie ya, happy birthday]
지금은 스물 둘 세[22 years old now ]
지금부터는 건강하게.....[from now on, stay healthy]
지금부터는 많은 많은 돈을 획득하다!!!![from now on, earn many many money]
그리고 부모님와 함께 한국에 여행을 가져....[and, get on a trip with my parent to south korea ...]
For those who have same birthday with me in this world.. Happy birthday to you.....
old oledi...haiz...
22 years old...
the life of start struggle...
Today , since last night i havent lay down and sleep..
like that my birthday will b longer.. heheheh
this week i was very busy....
from tuesday, after meeting with lect...
a night out with my unimas bunch of best fren... thanks oh.. hehe
yesterday, a meeting for camp... then a supper at jalan song with camp fren...
then today.... the big day of mine....
the sweetest thing i want to do today is cook for my family...spending birthday with family surely is the best of all...행복해!!! ^^
then after dinner with family, out with my long live fren.... heheh... know them for more then 6 years.. some even 10 years... thanks in advance...
tomoro..... come unimas to pass up cd for fyp....
then night... dinner at 4point...
then fetch my sis at airport....
the next day ... taking driving law exam in the morning,
afternoon go training camp at ranchan for 2days 1 night.
until sunday back...
monday.. meeting with lect again.... hmm... quite busy leh...
i really busy this week...
그러지만, 기분이 좋아요.... i feel good and happy....
Thank to my family who always be at my side , as well as my long live and unimas fren..... thanks alot.... love u all.... hehhe...
Happy Birthday to ME!!!!!
Friday, 8 May 2009
Stupid Steamboat shop....
so shit .... all of us got food poisoning and fell sick the day after,
SK vomit nonstop , same with shia yok, meilu and weijan diarrhea... ah ui , me and yewli fell sick... i dunno what happen ... izit the shop's food not clean or our problem... haiz...
this definitely a "good memory" then.... dont go to that shop ever again....
hope they get well better...
take care guys....
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Ten Brothers...
u guys are like my family.. more than friends.. really... i will owes miss the time we spend together and i love u all......
My dream trip ....South Korea
about the a place i want to go after 2 year...
i telling myself to go to South Korea, in 2 years time...
enough for me to save money and learn my korean to a perfect level...
so i can take my backpack and walk around Seoul, gwang ju, je ju, busan,
and many more...
once i can identify all the places, then i can bring my parent go as they no need
to follow travel agancy... wakakaka
backpack traveler is what i want to be... hahah.... my goodness...
what happen to me...
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
May 06, 2009
today, is the last day of fyp presentation n exhibition...
well... finally end ... huh! not yet... have to change report..
Since is the last day.... everyone is taking photo with course mates...
like market in the fyp lab... totally mess....
that concluded these three years of hardwork...
the feeling is complicated....
should i consider it as happy or sad?
happy for everything is finished, and yet sad for it is the end of everything...
too complicated.....
know what im doing on these three days of exhibition??
the 1st day.. was my presentation...
yes... start from morning, worrying... worrying ...worrying...
until 1pm, i sent myself to the war field....
got shot couples of time... but im still alive...
when i got back to the normal feeling, lab technician started to close light and aircon.... that the end of 1st day...
2nd day... night before.. thinking what should i do in the lab.. so i downloaded entertainment show to be watch in lab.. hahah... me and my fren laugh out quite loud.. hahahah.... people are curious that wat happen to us.. hahahah....
the 3rd day.... watch the show and walking around taking photos.... hahha.....
wat to do.. really nothing to do...
today oso went out with 10 brothers....
happy to spend my time with u guys....
im happy to be in the group...
after steamboat dinner... when for a movie...
dun when we got chance to go out like this again...
hopefully there will be another time...
i will really miss u guys...
my coursemates...from a stranger to best friends... u guys are the best!
i will really miss u guys alot....
i love u all.....
another thing that i feel down is... junsu was injured during rehearsal... on 030509, and insists to perform even on wheelchair on 040509.
i watched the fancam... can see that sadness in his face... he like to dance, and be active on stage, but now on a wheelchair , only thing can do is moving his hand and head...sad.... feel sad for him...sprained ankle, that was what doctor said to him and ask him to rest and do not perform for the TSC concert because hurt his leg badly and can barely walk ... but he still insist...although he didnt join all the dance performance, he insist to stand up , at least for the last song, "Bolero"
and why he have to say sorry for his fan? not his mistake.... hope that he get well soon...