지금 I’m learning a language, a very popular language... 하하... its Korean[한국어]..
Well, Maybe you might think... “뭐예? You have time[시간=time] to do that?”
나의 대답:“ 있어요...” 와카카카카카카카~
However, I’m still learning... just a beginner...
I learned through online resources and resources from ah ui’s sister.
Ah ui, 정말 고맙와~
As a beginner, I always try to find a chance to practice the thing that I learned,
That’s why; I love to teach the phrases I learned to my friends[친구=friend] around me.
And this is why[왜=why] again I post this blog ,
I try to tell everyone the basic, How to Read Hangeul [한글]....
Remember, 한글is like abc, contained vowels and consonants, and mostly like
Chinese pingyin whereby consonant combine with vowel to form a word
Consonants Vowels
ㄱ = g, k ㅏ = a
ㄴ = n ㅑ = ya
ㄷ = d ㅓ = eo
ㅁ = m ㅕ = yeo
ㅂ = b, p ㅗ = o
ㅅ = s ㅛ = yo
ㅇ = ng ㅜ = u
ㅈ = j ㅠ = yu
ㅊ = ch ㅡ = eu
ㅋ = k ㅣ = i
ㅌ = t ㅐ = ae
ㅍ = p ㅔ = e
ㅎ = h ㅒ = yae
ㅃ = bb ㅖ = ye
ㅉ = jj ㅙ = wae
ㄸ = dd ㅘ = wa
ㅆ = ss ㅚ = oe
ㄲ = gg ㅢ = yi
ㅟ = wi
ㅝ = weo
ㅞ = we
For example: ㄷ + ㅏ = 다 [da]
ㅎ + ㅏ + ㄴ = 한 [han]
아~ That’s all for today[오늘=today], probably after Chinese new year[년=year], I will
write more and also about batchim, borrow word and structure of the sentence. 감사
합니다 for reading my[나의=my] blog...
나~~ 에리 ...
2008년 1월 28일